
Ramsey SA7 Broadband RF Preamp Kit Review

Ramsey SA7 Broadband RF Preamp Kit
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Well to answer the question as to whether the SA7 is any good you have to ask yourself what you want from a preamp? The SA7 is ONLY capable of compensating for loss of signal between your antenna and receiver. Only if you put the SA7 in a long feed line at the antenna will you see any improvement. Plugging this in at the receiver will do nothing or worse, attenuate(weaken) the signal. It will not turn your antenna into an active antenna. If you want an increase of signal and more selectivity pay a lot of money for a bigger, better, higher and maybe even directional antenna and more expensive feed line(coax).
I have also had one of these on my Oscilloscope and signal generator. It gave about 0.05µVolt increase at 20Mhz which does not constitute a +20db increase, more like +4-6db. It is also hampered by nulls about 10, spread out more or less evenly up and down the frequency coverage.
So in conclusion, If your want more, better defined and stronger signals. Don't buy a Ramsey SA7. Buy a better antenna and feed line.

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