
DocuPen X05 Bluetooth Scanner - 1 x USB - PC, Mac Review

DocuPen X05 Bluetooth Scanner - 1 x USB - PC, Mac
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This product is, in a word, useless. In two words, useless and expensive.
I am a PhD student in History. I do most of my research in libraries. Some of these libraries do not have copy machines or scanners available, so when I found this product, I thought I had found a perfect solution for scanning multi-page articles from books and periodicals from non-circulating libraries. I am guessing this product was not designed with someone with my needs as a user.
For brevity's sake, I will stick to 3 fatal problems:
- Does not scan as .pdf. Why does this *document* scanner only scan to formats primarily meant for *images* formats (i.e. jpeg, tif)? I have no answer. WHAT THIS MEANS: you will NOT be able to scan multi-page documents as a single document. You will have to scan each page as a separate file. But wait, it gets better...
- The scanner stays "on" only as long as it takes to scan and save. After each file is done saving, it automatically turns off. WHAT THIS MEANS: Any time you have to scan more than one page in a row, you will have to turn on the scanner and wait for it to initialize. "Wow, that's crummy, but I can deal with that," you say...it gets better:
- Do you have a Mac by any chance? (I'm not sure whether this applies to PCs). You know that pesky message that pops up whenever a USB device is pulled out without ejecting it properly? The one that says you may have corrupted the information? WELL, since the device automatically shuts off about 5 seconds after the last active command, as soon as it mounts to your desktop, you have 5 seconds to get any files off of the device, or it will TURN OFF, resulting in an IMPROPER DEVICE REMOVAL error message, not to mention, you will not have your files.
THE SOLUTION: If you are a user with my needs, just use a digital camera. If you have a steady hand, the quality will be virtually the same. You will be able to take images of documents WIDER THAN 10 inches, and while you may not be able to capture them as .pdfs either, you will save a lot of time (I forgot to mention, each file takes 5-10 seconds to save with the DocuPen after scanning). Heck, I've been using my iPhone camera, and it's worked about a lot better than this product.

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