
HP Scanjet N9120 Document Flatbed Scanner Review

HP Scanjet N9120 Document Flatbed Scanner
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I'm exceedingly happy with this, my 6th scanner purchase. I've come from a long line of almosts and nearly-theres with my previous scanners, at least when it comes to speed, capacity and ease of use. My first few scanners were the cheap, single-user type, not possessing ADFs for any real business use. Those were followed by an HP Scanjet 8290, which was fairly good, but suffered from too many ADF misfeeds. Next came a Fujitsu fi-5220C, which was faster and more competent at ADF work, but much less user-friendly, and more laborious in its required user input per scan.
Now, at last, I can say I'm almost perfectly happy with a scanner. This N9120 is incredibly fast, creates high-quality images (especially with the included Kofax VRS, which hardly seems to slow things down at all), is terrifically easy to use (including HP's software interface), has adequately capacious in-and-out bins, and looks great as a physical object.
Here are the minor quibbles (and they're not deal-breakers; I'd buy this again if I were in a situation that was appropriate): (1) It's quite loud for a scanner, requiring high-speed fans to cool its internal parts (think of the sound of a truly enormous copy machine in the copier room of a large place of business; that's what this sounds like). (2) It's enormous - be prepared to need far more desk/table space for it than you imagine. (3) It's incredibly heavy and unwieldy, so plan on having two people to unpack it and place it on a table. (4) If you forgo the excellence of Kofax and opt instead for sheer speed in a scan of a large number of pages, you can turn them sideways (that's how big this thing is) ----- BUT there can be a startling number of misfeeds when you do that. My very first scan of an 80-page stack that I inserted sideways resulted in 3 misfeeds - and it's somewhat hard to tell which of the last few pages were and were not successfully scanned. But going a little slower, inserting them in portrait fashion and using Kofax - no misfeeds at all. And finally, (5) It's size and weight mean that, just like any other serious office machine, you'll have to call for a service visit if it breaks down, rather than sending it in somewhere. And from browsing HP's site, it is truly expensive to have a tech come out to service it.

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